Oliver Wulff


Oliver Wulff, born in Neustrelitz, received his training as a dancer at the Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin and was immediately engaged by the ballet ensemble of the Staatsoper Unter den Linden after completing his studies in 1987.

As a member of the Corps de ballet, he quickly developed an extensive repertoire and appeared in almost all productions on the schedule. Solo roles were entrusted to him in William Forsythe's Love Songs and Steptext. He also danced the virtuoso and comedic role of Gremio in John Cranko's Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung, and additionally, he appeared in Angelin Preljocaj's Le Spectre de la rose. He collaborated on creations with Maurice Béjart (playing the Clowns in Verklärte Nacht) and with Giorgio Madia (in Alice’s Wonderland, OZ – The Wonderful Wizard, and Don Juan).

With his experience in all aspects of ballet operations, he has been serving as the Ballet Inspector for the Staatsballett Berlin since 2012.