Leroy Mokgatle

born in South Africa
Ballet Education
2007–2012 Pretoria Ballet School
2013–2016 Art of Motion
2017–2018 European Ballet School
2019 Bejart Ballet Lausanne /// 2022 Zürich Ballett /// 2023 Staatsballett Berlin
Christian Spuck: The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, Lontano, Messa da Requiem, Anna Karenina, Monteverdi; Marcos Morau: Nachtträume; Maurice Bejart: Firebird (Leading role), Bolero, La Porte solo, 7 Danse Grecques, Le Presbytere (Radio gaga solo and Millionaire solo), Und so Weiter Solo; Crystal Pite: Angels’ Atlas, Emergence; Nacho Duato: Arenal; Cathy Marston: The Cellist; Louis Steins: TAL; Gil Roman: Alors on danse, Basso Continuum, Tous les hommes presque toujours s’imaginent.
Repertory in Berlin
Christian Spuck: Bovary, Nocturne (20 Years of Staatsballett Berlin); Marcia Haydée: Sleeping Beauty (Fee der Klugheit); William Forsythe: Approximate Sonata 2016, Blake Works I; Marcos Morau: Overture;
Competitions | Awards
Youth American Grand Prix 2014 (Bronze medallist) /// Genee International Ballet Competition 2015 (Gold medallist, Margot Fonteyn Audience Choice Award) /// Prix de Lausanne 2016 (Audience Choice Award, 4th scholarship)
Other Achievements
2023 Kuopio Dance Festival in Finland
Royal Academy of Dance Advanced 1 and 2, Solo Seal
Cecchetti International Ballet Examinations Advanced 1 and 2