Gregor Glocke


born in Munich, Germany

Ballett Education

2012−2017 Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin


since 2017 Staatsballett Berlin


Nacho Duato: Concierto Madrigal; Marco Goecke: All long dem Day (creation), Pierrot Lunaire (Pierrot); Jiří Kylián: Six Dances; Wayne McGregor: FAR; Vasily Medvedev: and Yuri Burlaka: The Nutcracker (Arabic dance Solo); Richard Siegal: Oval (Balanchine | Forsythe | Siegal); Sharon Eyal: Half Life (van Dijk | Eyal); William Forsythe: The Second Detail (The Second Detail | LIB | Half Life); Marcia Haydée: Sleeping Beauty (Prinz des Nordens); Johnny McMillan: Oh Captain (LAB_WORKS 2022); Arshak Ghalumyan: Die Nacht; Mats Ek: A Sort of…; Christian Spuck: Messa da Requiem; Pina Bausch: The Rite of Spring

Competitions | Awards

2015 2nd Prize Youth American Grand Prix Europe Semifinale in Paris (modern and classic)

