Filipa Cavaco


born in Faro, Portugal

Ballet Education

2000–2014 Companhia de Dança do Algarve
2014–2016 Escola de Dança do Conservatório Nacional


2016 National Ballet of Portugal
2018 Staatsballett Berlin


Sasha Waltz: Impromptus; Tânia Carvalho: S; Fernando Duarte: Swan Lake (Big Swans) and La Bayadère; António Cabrita: and São Castro’‎s Dido e Eneias; Akram Khan: itMOi (Twin); George Balanchine: Serenade; Ohad Naharin: Minus 16; Rui Lopes Graça: Quinze Bailarinos e Tempo Incerto

Repertory in Berlin

Vasily Medvedev/Yuri Burlaka: The Nutcracker; Sharon Eyal: Half Life (van Dijk | Eyal), STRONG (Ekman | Eyal), Patrice Bart: Giselle (Bathilde); John Cranko: Romeo and Juliet (Rosalinde), Onegin; George Balanchine: Theme and Variations, Jewels (Emeralds, Diamonds); Víctor Ullate: Don Quixote; David Dawson: Voices (Dawson); Marcia Haydée: Sleeping Beauty (Snow White); Vivian Assal Koohnavard: This Too Shall Pass (LAB_WORKS 2022); Mats Ek: A Sort of…; Christian Spuck: Messa da Requiem; Pina Bausch: The Rite of Spring;

Competitions | Awards

2007 First Prize at the International Ballet Competition DANÇARTE, Portugal /// 2012 Second Prize at the International Ballet Competition DANÇARTE, Portugal /// 2014 Third Prize at the International Ballet Competition DANÇARTE, Portugal /// 2014 First Prize at the Dance World Cup /// 2016 Participation in the New York finals of the Youth American Grand Prix

