Achille De Groeve

born in Gent, Belgium
Ballet Education
2013–2019 Royal Ballet School Antwerp
2019 Zurich Ballet Junior Company /// 2022 Staatsballett Berlin
Crystal Pite: Angels' Atlas, Emergence; Johan Inger: Walking Mad; Christian Spuck: Messa da Requiem, Anna Karenina, Monteverdi, The Nutcracker and the Mouse King
Repertoire in Berlin
Arshak Ghalumyan: Die Nacht; Alexander Ekman: Cacti; Marco Goecke: Petrushka; Christian Spuck: Bovary; Sharon Eyal: Half Life, 2 Chapters Love; William Forsythe: One Flat Thing, reproduced; Marcos Morau: Overture; Samantha Lynch: COME BACK (20 Jahre Staatsballett Berlin);
Competitions | Awards
2018 Tanzolymp Berlin (Gold medal) /// 2019 Prix de Lausanne (finalist)